Rethinking the Adriatic

1210 Heller Hall 271 19th Ave S Minneapolis MN USA | Minneapolis, United States
The CSPW Mediterranean Collaborative is hosting a day-long workshop on “Rethinking the Adriatic.” Presenters include Rowan Dorin (Harvard), Lois Dubin (Smith College), Jesse C. Howell (Harvard), Alison Frank Johnson (Harvard), Igor Tchoukarine (University of Minnesota), Pam Ballinger (University of Michigan), and Dominique Reill (University of Miami), who will deliver the keynote at 1:30pm.
For more information, please contact Kay Reyerson at
This event is sponsored by Mediterranean Collaborative, Consortium for the Study of the Premodern World, Center for Early Modern Studies, Center for Medieval Studies, Center for Austrian Studies, James Ford Bell Library, Department of History, Deinard Chair, and CLA
MN 55455, United States
All Dates
- Friday, May 06, 2016
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